My Blog



Greater Harmony Hills Neighborhood

Shepherd King is active in the Harmony Hills community, belonging to and attending local civic association meeting and participating in the annual National Night Out. Our building is a voting site; our parking lot is used during the week by a nearby business. In these and other ways we seek to know our neighbors and be part of the effort to enhance life in the surrounding community.


SAMM – San Antonio Metropolitan Ministries

Shepherd King is a supporter of SAMM which helps families transition from homelessness back to living in independent lives.

CAM – Christian Assistance Ministries

Shepherd King collects canned goods and clothes for CAM the first Sunday of every month. We also support them each year with financial donations. Christian Assistance Ministries offers practical help to individuals and families in need in San Antonio.


A group of dedicated women gather each Tuesday morning to sew and tie quilts. Most of the quilts are then donated to Lutheran World Relief which distributes them to needy people around the world.


WELCA – Women of the ELCA

Shepherd King has an active WELCA group. They meet monthly for bible study and fellowship as well as special events. WELCA graciously organize and provide food to comfort grieving families after funerals.

Confirmation Class

Children in grades 6 through 8 attend classes for two years to learn about the Christian faith. They study Scripture and Martin Luther’s Small Catechism. After completing their course of study they are received, through affirmation of baptism, as adult members of the congregation.


Congregational Picnic

Each June Shepherd King hosts a congregational picnic (although we meet in the Fellowship Hall). A meal is provided and afterwards everyone plays bingo.

Christmas Luncheon

In December the congregation gathers after worship for a special holiday meal. Meats are provided, everyone brings side dishes, the fellowship hall is decorated, and we celebrate the Christmas season together.

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