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Worship Style

At Shepherd King worship is joyful and contemplative. The Lutheran liturgy guides our worship, uniting us with prayers of confession and prayers of request, with the hymns and canticles we sing, scripture readings we hear, the sermon from the pastor, the meal of Holy Communion, and a blessing to send us on our way.  Everyone participates in worship, children and adults, as we give our praise to God and receive from God the Word of hope, truth and life. We are fed by God’s promises, by Jesus’ presence in our community, and by the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Shepherd King celebrates Holy Communion every Sunday at 10:00 a.m.  Second Sundays of the month feature a brief hymn sing, giving members a chance to choose their favorites from the hymnal. You are invited to worship at Shepherd King where all baptized Christians are welcome at the table of the Lord.

Mission Statement

“We are people of God: claimed, gathered, and sent.” This is Shepherd King’s mission statement.
At baptism we are claimed by God’s love and joined to the Body of Jesus Christ, the Church.  The Holy Spirit gathers us as a community of believers, bringing us together to worship, to learn, and to serve.  Then we are sent back into the world to share the good news of Jesus, in our living and our speaking, with people everywhere.



Courtney Classen is our church secretary. She can be found in the office every Monday through Thursday from 9:00 to 4:00. The office is closed on Fridays. Courtney keeps things running smoothly at Shepherd King, producing our Sunday bulletins, putting together The Staff which is our monthly newsletter, filing, keeping records, answering the phone and fielding questions of all kinds. A member of Shepherd King, Courtney is married to Curtis.

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